Saturday 6 June 2020

DNA confuses with UKANADZIWA

Last time I picked DNA, born Daniel Kaliwo, as one of modern musical acts whose music and I asked you to listen to his music and look at the aspect of creativity in terms of coming up with the tune, melody and lyrical package and delivery. Of course, there, I also observed that love theme is his common denominator.

Back in that June of 2017 when I wrote about this, I looked at DNA's two tracks called Mukandipepesele and Mpata. I had appreciated that DNA had put his golden voice to good use. 

Much as some of his lyrical lines would not hit you that much, but he compensated it well with a deeply well thought rhythm and harmonies within the creativity in the melody.

Over the period of he has also done Changa si Icho, Odala and last year's Madando nda liti.

What has compelled me to come and talk about DNA again three years later is not those tracks but his latest track Ukanadziwa featuring Bathro, which is also lyrically rich and makes him look an intelligent composer.

This is one track that sometimes makes one realise not to judge a book by its cover. He describes a character in the track that almost fits what he looks like. But what proceedeth out of his mouth separates him from such boys:

Chikundilepheretsa ine/ Kukulola iwe

Ndikhalidwe lako/ Likumandiseketsa

Kulikose ndingayende/ Ndikumaona anyamata

Zochita zawo /Chimodzimodzi za iwe/Atapota tsitsi m'mbali ameta

Atavala jean yong'ambang'amba

Kumanja kwawo atanyamula mowa ngati ndiwoyezetsa

Atanyamula speaker akusokosela/Sakhala pa rent amasungidwa

Moti atandipatsa mimba azandikana/Ine kumavutika

Ndiye kusiyanitsa pakati paiwe ndi iwo kumavuta/

Zoti ndimakufila ndizoonadi/Koma nzeru sunakhwime

The verse above explains it all. Basically it is saying that a woman is declining love proposal from a man she is deeply in love with because he is childish. He behaves like all the useless boys in town with funny hair styles; wearing torn jeans trousers; moving about with beers; playing loud Bluetooth music in townships.

This is well understood and you really cannot fault a lady who gives well-meaning observations that informs her decision not accept the man's love proposal.

What is confusing is this chorus:

Unakadziwa kuti mtima ndikumawuyika mmanja (If you only knew, I am carrying my heart in my hands)

Moti utati wagwa, uwutolayo ndiwake (That if it falls down, the one who picks it up will be his)

Ndikudziwa ndimakukana molumbira koma (I know I have sworn never to accept your proposal)

Sikuti upeze chifukwa choyendayenda ndiwena (But this should not be the reason for you to go out with others)

Chifukwa panopa inde ndikupewa kuvulidwa.kuyuzidwa ine (At the moment I am avoiding to be taken for a ride by just being used)

When you listen to music somehow you expect it to follow a logical ending. But the artists sometimes are cruel to their character by deciding how they want to leave things in suspense sometimes. It is apparently acceptable with fiction writers, but it's amazing for me how DNA has also used it in this track.

Here is a girl who will never give you an opportunity to date her because you are failing to grow up, meaning you are under her spell, waiting for your opportunity. Meanwhile she has told you with certainty that you stand no chance, but you should not go out there to date other women.

This leaves the man hanging, like what does this woman really wants? She doesn't want me, but on another hand she doesn't want me gone.

It is this dilemma reflected in the woman which she projects on the man that makes this track one of a lyrically pure artistic work. It has managed to pose like an abstract painting that gives you something to debate about. Is the song as plain as one would think or it is for everyone to pick a side and stick to it?

What a song! Listen it with ears people and tell me what you think.

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