Thursday, 20 February 2020

Fredokiss – The Most innovative performer of 2019

The most innovative musical act for me for 2019 is Fredokiss. He has proven to use music for good cause. He has used music, which calls for innovation in order to make, to be innovative.

He has proven that he can start something that others can follow. Two years, can we now say three years ago perhaps, he did what he christened The Ghetto King Kong Concert in the country’s three cities. The three shows which were for free saw the largest of crowds I have never seen in recent times. Afterwards, several artists have been trying to copy him and he has not even blowing his own trumpet.

Yes, he used music to try becoming a member of parliament. His approach was oozing inventive endeavour that even made those that edge him out still feel envy, as if he is the one who won.

When one would have expected him to cower and crumble under the weight of this hurdle which he did not surmount at this first attempt, he rolled his sleeves and launched ‘League For Change’ targeting the youth.  

What he has eventually done is attract more youth, some who had never heard of his music to want to know all about his music.

Fredokiss registered League for Change which deals with issues bordering on social justice and humanitarianism. He also employs many ways of achieving the same one of which is letting the youth organise events through different wings that have come following its establishment.

Some of such activities include Football Bonanza and numerous other activities stemming from community leadership.

Just two weeks ago, on Christmas day, Fredokiss entertained young people at Zingwangwa Youth Center, including introducing Jumping Castle which some of these children have never come close to.

Imagine, Fredokiss had an audience with the US Embassy’s Public Affairs Officer- Doug Johnston where they discussed a lot about youth and women development in Malawi.

Here is a musician who does not believe in sitting on his laurels, thinking he has conquered it all as he now sets his eyes on 2020 where he says his Goal to start a project called "Project Nyumba" under League For Change.

He will champion in the initiative where his ‘league’ will be to renovate and/or build very low income, cost effective houses for the elderly, widows and Child headed Households in Malawi.

The take home message from Fredokiss is that if we can gain fame through music, we can channel the interest of those that love our production to a good cause. Look, the elderly, widows and child headed family members that Fredokiss is targeting this year, perhaps do not even know any Fredokiss music but Penjani Kalua – as this is the real name of the star – has still lined up programme to reach out to them.

This is what I call an innovative musician.

Come on, tell me a musician this innovative? Who else is using music to reach out to his fans and some not his fans but have now become part of his army of followers?

It is for the explanation above that I nominate Fredokiss my performer of 2019. If you do not agree with me show me your choice and provide an explanation of your choice.

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